Sunday, February 12, 2012

Troll beads, not bridges

My father-inlaw and step-mother-in-law came to visit in late January, kind of a late Christmas, as we didn't get tot see them over the holiday season.  They brought along lots of fun books and artistic gifts for Liz, (books for all of us, too!) and they got me the most beautiful new bracelet!   It is a charm style bracelet, the kind you may have seen advertised on TV recently, but the brand is older, called "Troll Beads".

Because I have such small bones, most bracelets are too large for me and I end up never wearing them because they tend to slip off, but being aware of this, they purchased one in my size!  It came with a very pretty starter bead, pale yellow with silver bubbles inside.  The clasp itself is a work of art, if you look closely, you will see it is the head and body of a swan.

Apparently, it is also compatible with the ones shown on TV, called "Pandora".  I don't expect to collect beads very often (though I'm sure I'll get more over time), but I'm excited just to have this one piece of pretty jewelry as it is!

So, I just wanted to share my newest treasure with you.  Do any of you wear these adult style charm bracelets, or find them interesting or attractive?

1 comment:

  1. I have one with the green version of this bead. I saved for it and adore it. I have wrists the size of a child and liked the fact that I could get a bracelet my size and if my wrists do magically get bigger I can buy a new chain but keep my clasp and beads! Also although Trollbeads don't fit Pandora and other brands, all other brands fit this one. This gives you the option of buying ANY of the pretty beads you spot.

    What lovely in-laws!!!
