I originally had planned to make a bunch of different things for Liz for Christmas. As the big day approached, I was forced to pare down my list somewhat. Mainly, I really wanted to get her 2 pairs of new PJ's done because it was getting so cold! And those took me a little while.
But, I had 2 must do presents. The Dinosaur Train fabric I had purchased for her at Fabric Depot with my birthday money, I really wanted to use that to make her something. I thought a shirt at first, but realized that would chop up the huge mural-like print. I found Simplicity 2825 in my stash, and thought the backpack would be perfect. Liz could really use something like that (trips, campouts, and maybe even for kindergarden next year), and it would also display the fabric well.

I really like how this turned out! It is very sturdy, and with the adjustable straps, really feels more like RTW. I also made great use of the print both front and back and even on the straps.
On a side note, I just want to say I also love Dinosaur Train. Jim Henson studios still puts out quality children's entertainment! I love that the show is so much fun, (I mean, dinosaurs and trains in the same kid's show? Genius!), but also teaches about evolution and the scientific method. And "Dr. Scott" is funny but smart, and reminds me of Ross from Friends.
Ok, back to the gifts! :)

I also really wanted to make her some hand puppets. All of her favorite stuffies are puppets. I know she likes cats, and also Pink and the Brain, so I thought the cat/mouse combo from Butterick 4209 would be a good way to go. I actually gave her these early (so they don't get overshadowed by her really big gifts), and she loves them!

I also managed to add a ruffle to some pants she has outgrown in height, but still fit in the waist, and I made her a pillowcase for her lovey pillow out of the Dino Train fabric remnant!
I've made a slew of other gifts for other family and friends, but won't post about them here until after the gift giving is done.

I hope Liz has a Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to everyone!
You did make a great use of the print! Danielle loves Dinosaur Train also (and the song is super catchy!). I think the puppets are darling as well. (newmama/Angie)